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VIOO ETF Profile

Family: Vanguard
Name: Vanguard S&P Small-Cap 600 ETF
Inception Date: 7-Sep-2010
Termination Date:
Investment Objective: Invests in stocks in the S&P Small-Cap 600 Index representing 600 smaller U.S. companies. Focuses on closely tracking the index s return which is considered a gauge of overall U.S. small-cap stock returns. Offers high potential for investment growth; share value rises and falls more sharply than that of funds holding bonds. More appropriate for long-term goals where your money s growth is essential.
Top 10 Holdings
Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund SLCMT1142 0.7701%
Ensign Group Inc. ENSG 0.5847%
Fabrinet FN 0.5733%
SPS Commerce Inc. SPSC 0.5669%
Allegheny Technologies Inc. ATI 0.5454%
Meritage Homes Corp. MTH 0.5342%
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. ANF 0.5282%
Mueller Industries Inc. MLI 0.5120%
Boise Cascade Co. BCC 0.5078%
Installed Building Products Inc. IBP 0.5066%
Top 10 Holdings Weight: 5.6%
Number of Holdings: 604
Shares Outstanding: 26,250,073
Total Net Assets: 2,468,557,000
NAV: 93.87
Net Expense Ratio: 0.10%
Asset Class: Equities (Stocks)
Developed or Emerging: Developed Market Funds
Country: US
Dividend Type:
Tax Exempt State:
Maturity Duration:
Market Cap: Small Cap
Credit Quality:
Mortgage Bond Types:
Bond Type:
Gov't Bond Types:
Reit Type:
Leverage Direction/Factor:
Is Currency Hedged: No
US or Ex-US: Domestic