Large Market-On-Close Stock Order Imbalances


Shows Market-On-Close (MOC) stock order imbalances greater than 50,000 shares. Close Imbalance information is disseminated starting approximately 15 minutes before the market close (web site data is delayed by 15 minutes). MOC orders are typically used by ETFs and mutual funds to carry out changes to portolfios, so Order Imbalance information may indicate portfolio changes.

▲ Close

  • 22-Jul
    Buy Sell
    175 Count 173
    24.3 M Volume 31.2 M
    $1.0 B Notional $1.9 B
  • 23-Jul
    Buy Sell
    221 Count 106
    31.2 M Volume 14.2 M
    $1.4 B Notional $689.0 M
  • 24-Jul
    Buy Sell
    175 Count 135
    27.6 M Volume 22.5 M
    $1.5 B Notional $1.2 B
  • 25-Jul
    Buy Sell
    230 Count 140
    31.7 M Volume 23.7 M
    $1.4 B Notional $1.4 B
  • 26-Jul
    Buy Sell
    255 Count 116
    41.5 M Volume 15.8 M
    $2.2 B Notional $784.8 M

Premium Feature


Symbol Name Time Type Stock Price
(at Time of Imbalance)
Buy Volume Sell Volume Buy Notional Sell Notional