As of 4-Mar-2025, 3:11 PM ET
Screen and filter for large block option trades from a full list of actual trades for a specified date.
When analyzing a potential option investment, it is helpful to view how investors have actually traded recently. The Option Block Trades Screener allows you to evaluate market trading patterns as well as focus on a specific symbol (or sector) of interest. Use the filters to choose minimum Notional, Trade Quantity, Time of Day, Option Type, Exchange, or Trade Condition (which is explained at the bottom of the page). Trades must have a minimum of $10k notional to appear.
Sort the table by clicking on the column header, ascending or descending. Reset all parameters to their defaults by clicking the "Clear" button at the top of the filters. Use the "Filter Symbol" box to narrow down on a particular symbol. More detailed option information on a specific symbol can be found by clicking on the Symbol link in the far-left column.
Important Note: Results are limited to 50 items. Subscribe to see all items.
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Block Trade Screener·Delta Volume Screener·Idea Dashboard·Repeat Trade Screener·Contingent Stock Trade Screener
Main Trade DetailsVolatility & Performance Tracking
Stock Details | Option Details | Initial Trade | Trade Price | Events | |||||
In My Watchlist | Spot Price | Trade Qty | Trade Price | Earnings Date | |||||
Stock Screener | Option Type | Qty % Avg Volume The trade quantity expressed as a percentage of the symbol's average daily option volume. For example, if the symbol trades an average of 500 contracts per day, and this trade is for 100 contracts, the percentage will be 20%. | $ Notional | Ex-Dividend | |||||
Market Cap | Expiration | Qty vs. Open Int The trade quantity as compared to the option's open interest. | Trade Side NBBO1 | Company Event | |||||
Stock Type | Days to Exp | Trade Condition2 | Bid/Ask Spread | ||||||
Sector | Open Interest | Trade Time | Edge The difference between the trade price and the midpoint of the market's bid and ask price at the time of the trade. Always represented as a positive number. | ||||||
In ETF | Delta | Exchange | |||||||
Technical Indicator This filter applies technical indicators for the underlying symbol for the current trading day (4-Mar-2025), even if you're looking at a previous date | Execution | ||||||||
% Chg From Open |
Option Details |
Theoretical Option Values
(at Time of Initial Trade) |
Initial Trade Details | Tracking Performance Since Trade | Volatility | Trade Analytics | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Option | Implied Volatility | Stock | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Details | Time | Symbol | Option Expiration |
Type | Strike | Spot Price | Open Interest |
Theo Price 20-Day HV The theoretical price of the option, if calculated using the symbol's 20-day historical volatility. Calculated at the time of the trade. |
Theo Price 1-Yr HV The theoretical price of the option, if calculated using the symbol's 1-year historical volatility. Calculated at the time of the trade. |
Theo Price HV Avg The theoretical price of the option, if calculated using the 50% of symbol's 20-day historical volatility and 50% of the symbol's 1-year historical volatility. Calculated at the time of the trade. |
Trade Qty | Trade Price | Bid | Ask | Trade $ Notional | Side1 |
Current Bid Latest available NBBO Bid price for the option. |
Current Ask Latest available NBBO Ask price for the option. |
Return Performance of the option that was traded since trade | Current The most recent midpoint implied volatility of the option | IV Chg The % change in IV for the option, from the trade volatility to the current midpoint volatility | Latest Price |
Return The % return in the underlying stock price, from the time of the trade to the current market price | Trade IV The implied volatility of the trade, based on the trade price. | IV Chg The difference between the trade volatility and the previous day's closing IV for that option. | IV % Rank This percentage rank compares the trade volatility (Trade IV column) to historical implied volatilities for options that meet the following criteria: - the same symbol and option type - the strike is the same % distance from the spot price (or at-the-money price) - the option has the same # of days to go until expiration | Exch. | Condition2 | Execution | Delta | Bid Ask Spread | Trade Edge |
Hist Vol 20-Day The 20-day historical volatility of the underlying symbol |
IV vs HV 20-Day The difference between the trade volatility and the 20-day historical volatility, expressed as a percentage |
Hist Vol 1-Yr The 1-year historical volatility of the underlying symbol |
IV vs HV 1-Yr The difference between the trade volatility and the 1-year historical volatility, expressed as a percentage |
Qty % Avg Volume The trade quantity expressed as a percentage of the symbol's average daily option volume. For example, if the symbol trades an average of 500 contracts per day, and this trade is for 100 contracts, the percentage will be 20%. |
Days To Exp Trading days remaining until expiration |
Events |
1: The Side describes the relation of the trade price to the NBBO bid and ask prices:
2: Option trade condition codes:
3: Option trade descriptions: