As of 6-Mar-2025, 4:00 PM ET
A powerful multi-feature screener with technical, volatility, dividend, and fundamental data filters for over 8,000 stocks.
Refine your search for stocks with specific characteristics by setting the parameters in each of the filter categories: Price Performance, Attributes, Dividends, Volatility, and Volume. Sort the table by clicking on column headers, ascending or descending. Reset all the parameters by using the "Clear" button at the top of the box. Click on icons within the Symbol column to view more information on the specific stock. Use the "Search" field to narrow your results.
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Stock AttributesPrice, Volume & TechnicalValuation & ProfitLeverage & GrowthAvg Daily Stats
Attributes | Dividend | Volatility | |||||
In My Watchlist | Market Cap | Dividend Yield | 1-Yr Volatility | ||||
Sector | Earnings Date | # Increases 3-Yr | 20-Day Volatility | ||||
Industry | Stock Type | # Decreases 3-Yr | 1-Day Volatility | ||||
Options Listed | Country | Payout Ratio | IV30 | ||||
In ETF | Shares Outstanding | IV % Rank | |||||
Stock Ideas Market Leaders are the top 25 best-performing S&P 500 holdings, by combining the symbol's holding % weight and the symbol's stock price % change over the last 6 months Market Laggers are the the 25 lowest-performing S&P 500 holdings, by combining the symbol's holding % weight and the symbol's stock price % change over the last 6 months Momentum Stocks are stocks that have gradually moved away from 6-month lows and towards new 6-month highs in each of the last 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, and 2 weeks | Share Float |
Symbol | Name | Price | % Chg | Volume | Avg. Volume | Relative Volume |
Market Cap | Dividend Yield |
P/E Ratio | 2 Day | 3 Day | 4 Day | 5 Day | 6 Day | 7 Day | 2 Week Total return, which includes dividends paid over this span | 3 Month Total return, which includes dividends paid | 6 Month Total return, which includes dividends paid | 1 Year Total return, which includes dividends paid | YTD Total return, which includes dividends paid | 3 Year Total return, which includes dividends paid. Return over the entire 3-year period, not an annualized average. | 5 Year Total return, which includes dividends paid. Return over the entire 5-year period, not an annualized average. | % Open Jump |
% Chg From Open |
% From 52-Week Low |
% From 52-Week High |
% From 20-Day MA |
% From 50-Day MA |
% From 250-Day MA |
IV30 | IV30 % Chg |
Option Volume |
Relative Option Volume |
IV % Rank | Sector | Industry | Stock Type | Dividend Growth 1-Year |
Dividend Growth 3-Yr Avg The dividend's average annual growth rate over the last 3 years. |
Payout Ratio |
14-Day RSI |
Dividend Increases 3-Year |
Dividend Decreases 3-Year |
1-Day OHLC Volatility |
20-Day OHLC Volatility |
1-Year OHLC Volatility |
Volatility Skew Indicator |
Country | Shares Outstanding |
Share Float |
20-Day MA | 50-Day MA | 250-Day MA | 20-Day MA vs 50-Day MA | 20-Day MA vs 250-Day MA | 50-Day MA vs 250-Day MA | Moving Avg Indicator |
1 Day Support/Resistance | Day VWAP Support |
Day VWAP | Day VWAP Resistance |
Price vs. VWAP (Std Devs) |
Price vs. VWAP (Pct Chg) |
Std Dev | P/E Ratio Price/Earnings. Common valuation ratio measures the price of the stock relative to how much earnings the company generates per share. |
P/E Normalized EPS Price/TTM normalized diluted earnings per share. This calculation reverses the effects of extraordinary income or charges on Net Income, by adding back (extraordinary expense) or subtracting (extraordinary income) the value from Net Income |
Price/Sales Ratio Price/Revenue | Price/Book Value Ratio Price/Book Value. Book Value is Common Shareholder’s Equity / Diluted Shares Outstanding. |
Price/Tangible Book Value Ratio price/Tangible book value. Tangible Book Value is The company’s total book value less the value of any intangible assets dividend by number of shares. |
PEG Ratio Forward PE Ratio / Long-term Average Earning Growth Rate. Peg ratio is a version of a P/E ratio using an estimated forward earnings taking into consideration earnings growth estimates. | Price/Cash |
Price/Free Cash Flow Ratio Price/Free Cash Flow. Free Cash Flow is Cash Flow Operations plus Capital Expenditures. Free cash flow is the cash from operations left over after the company pays for its operating and capital expenses. |
Price/Ebitda Ratio Price/Ebitda. Ebitda is Earnings minus expenses (excluding interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization expenses). | Forward P/E 1 / ForwardEarningYield. Forward Yield: Estimated Earnings Per Share / Price. EPS is estimated for next year. |
PEG Pay Back The number of years it would take for a company's cumulative earnings to equal the stock's current trading price, assuming that the company continues to increase its annual earnings at the growth rate used to calculate the PEG ratio. |
Price/CFO Ratio Price/Cash Flow from Operations: Cash Flow from Operations is the amount of money a company generates on a regular basis from its business activity. Excludes any one time activity. | EV to Ebitda Ratio Enterprise Value/Earnings Before Interest, Taxes and depreciation and amortization. |
Gross Margin Refers to the ratio of gross profit to revenue. (Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold) / Revenue |
Ebitda Margin Refers to the ratio of earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation and amortization to revenue. EBITDA / Revenue |
Ebit Margin Refers to the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to revenue. EBIT / Revenue |
Net Profit Margin Refers to the ratio of net income to revenue. Net Income / Revenue. |
Normalized Net Profit Margin Normalized Income / Total Revenue. A measure of profitability of the company calculated by finding Normalized Net Profit as a percentage of Total Revenues. |
Effective Tax Rate Refers to the ratio of tax provision to pretax income. Tax Provision / Pretax Income |
Return on Equity |
Sales Per Employee |
Pre-Tax Margin Refers to the ratio of pretax income to revenue. Pretax Income / Revenue. |
ROIC Return on Invested Capital: Net Income / (Total Equity + Long-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligation + Short-term Debt and Capital Lease Obligation). |
Operation Margin Refers to the ratio of operating income to revenue. Operating Income / Revenue. |
ROA Return on Assets. Net Income / Average Total Assets | Cash Return Ratio of free cash flow to enterprise value. This number tells you what cash return you would get if you bought the entire company, including its debt. | Debt/Equity | Debt/Assets | Debt/Ebitda Ratio Debt/Earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation and amortization | Debt/Cash |
Interest Coverage Ratio of EBIT/Interest Expense. The ability of a company to meet its interest expense. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)/Interest Expense. Healthy > 2 |
Quick Ratio (Cash, Cash Equivalents, and ShortTerm Investments + Receivables ) / Current Liabilities. Healthy > 1 |
Current Ratio Current Assets / Current Liabilities. Healthy > 1.5 |
Debt/Capital Refers to the ratio of Long Term Debt to Total Capital. Long-Term Debt And Capital Lease Obligation / (Long-Term Debt And Capital Lease Obligation + Total Shareholder’s Equity) |
Financial Leverage Ratio of Total Assets/Common Equity. |
Diluted EPS Growth (3yr) |
Sustainable Growth ROE * (1 – Payout Ratio). It refers to a growth rate the company can sustain without having to raise additional capital and increase debt financing. |
Revenue Growth (5yr) |
Operating Income Growth (5yr) |
Gross Profit Annual Growth (5yr) |
Capital Expenditure Annual Growth (5yr) |
Net Income Growth (5yr) |
Avg Daily Stats - Last 15 Days | Avg Daily Stats - Last 30 Days | Avg Daily Stats - Last 90 Days | |||||||||
% Pos The % of positive daily returns within the last 15 one-day periods | Avg Ret The average one-day % return for the stock over the last 15 days | Std Dev The standard deviation of one-day returns for the stock over the last 15 days |
Sharpe Ratio The Sharpe ratio (average divided by standard deviation) of one-day returns for the stock over the last 15 days |
% Pos The % of positive daily returns within the last 30 one-day periods | Avg Ret The average one-day % return for the stock over the last 30 days | Std Dev The standard deviation of one-day returns for the stock over the last 30 days |
Sharpe Ratio The Sharpe ratio (average divided by standard deviation) of one-day returns for the stock over the last 30 days |
% Pos The % of positive daily returns within the last 90 one-day periods | Avg Ret The average one-day % return for the stock over the last 90 days | Std Dev The standard deviation of one-day returns for the stock over the last 90 days |
Sharpe Ratio The Sharpe ratio (average divided by standard deviation) of one-day returns for the stock over the last 90 days |
In simple terms, a stock screener is a tool that helps you eliminate the noise. There are thousands of stocks in the market. It is not reasonable to vet through all the common stock, ETFs, closed end funds, etc, to find the best investment and/or trade that suits your goals and risk tolerance. One person's criteria is going to be different from the next. A swing trader has different criteria than a yield hunter. Just as a long-term value trader will search for stocks differently than a high-frequency trader. A stock screener allows you to sift through the thousands of stocks in the market and narrow down to the handful of stocks that matter to you. For example, you may not want to trade only small cap stocks with low debt and high volatility. Or, you may want to see all stocks that have a low P/E ratio, high earnings growth, steady dividend and are considered a market outperformer. Ultimately, a stock screener is software that allows you to quickly search through a list of all stocks so that you can focus your time and energy only on the prospective stocks that you will truly consider for an investment or trade.
Every and any stock screener that is useful will have certain features.
First and foremost, you should look for a stock screener that has an intuitive and easy to use display. You will need to know where the results are
and where you can filter those results. You will absolutely need the results to be sortable. And also, you should look for a filter that allows
you to save your criteria and that will give you the ability to quickly and easily refine your search.
Once you get started with a stock screener, you will find interesting combinations of criteria. It would be a waste of time to come back to the
screener and try to remember the filters and then reapply those filters over and over again. Furthermore, there could be criteria that are seasonal.
Before you know it, you may have 10 different combinations that you want to analyze. Having the ability to save and reload your filters could be the difference between a minute of research and an hour.
After that, you are just looking for special add-ons on features that make your screener more flexible and give you the ability to have a wide
range of combinations.
With the right filters, you will go from novice stock picker to expert in a matter of days. That is why we provide a vast amount of columns
and filterable search criteria. Also, we have a wonderful add-on that allows you to add a stock to your watchlist directly from your
search results and a fact sheet () that allows you to see more details about a stock without having
to navigate to another page.
To sum it up, you should look for a stock screener that compliments your research ability. Something that is helping make your life easier.
Here are a couple videos you can watch on how to use the stock screener.