Put Protection Cost Analysis To Hedge Downside Risk


This report shows the percentage cost to protect downside risk selected market categories or a specific equity for the next 30 days.

Put options are a convenient way for investors to protect against investment losses in the event that an existing held equity position may be exhibiting increased volatility or risk of downward movement. Unlike setting a Stop Loss order on the equity, the purchase of a put option allows the equity price to move below a certain strike price without inducing the sale of the equity itself. This allows the investor to protect against a further loss and still maintain the originally purchased equity position.

The Put Protection table displays Current Cost of purchasing a put on the underlying security expressed as a percentage of the security’s current price (15-minute delay). Put premiums for each security are calculated as a weighted average of the closest ATM option prices with a moving 30-day expiration maturity. The table also compares the Current Cost to the 52-week High, Low, median and previous day's costs for comparison.

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