Bull Call Spreads
Bull Put Spreads
Bear Call Spreads
Bear Put Spreads
Call Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Call Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Condors
[Long Inner, Short Outer]
Iron Condors
[Short Inner, Long Outer]
As of 10-Mar-2025, 9:30 AM ET
Find out which stocks are moving and actively trading prior to regular trading session. Stocks trading in early morning hours are usually reacting to recent news events and company specific announcements. Pre-market activity indicates important events that occurred or are happening in the stock market. The news could be relevant to a single stock, an industry, a sector or perhaps the entire economy. Notable pre-market activity usually manifests in large price changes or volume that significantly exceeds the normal range. To help the user quickly and easily gauge the state of pre-market trading, the pre-market report is split into three views:
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