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VUG ETF Profile

Family: Vanguard
Name: Vanguard Growth ETF
Inception Date: 26-Jan-2004
Termination Date:
Investment Objective: Seeks to track the performance of the CRSP U.S. Large Cap Growth Index. Provides a convenient way to match the performance of many of the nation s largest growth stocks. Follows a passively managed full-replication approach.
Top 10 Holdings
Microsoft Corp. MSFT 12.9740%
Apple Inc. AAPL 10.4330%
NVIDIA Corp. NVDA 8.8858%
Amazon.com Inc. AMZN 6.9750%
Facebook Inc. Class A META 4.4523%
Alphabet Inc. Class A GOOGL 3.6747%
Alphabet Inc. Class C GOOG 3.0337%
Eli Lilly & Co. LLY 2.7731%
Tesla Inc. TSLA 1.9839%
Visa Inc. Class A V 1.7855%
Top 10 Holdings Weight: 57.0%
Number of Holdings: 200
Shares Outstanding: 351,481,723
Total Net Assets: 116,389,700,000
NAV: 331.04
Net Expense Ratio: 0.04%
Asset Class: Equities (Stocks)
Developed or Emerging: Developed Market Funds
Country: US
Dividend Type:
Tax Exempt State:
Maturity Duration:
Market Cap: Large Cap
Credit Quality:
Mortgage Bond Types:
Bond Type:
Gov't Bond Types:
Reit Type:
Leverage Direction/Factor:
Is Currency Hedged: No
US or Ex-US: Domestic