Dividend Announcements, Guidance and Forecast Data Feeds

Overview | Comparison Table | Sample | Pricing | Layout | Contact


Three data feeds are available that contain dividends information:

  • Dividend Announcement Data Feed
  • Dividend Forecast Data Feed
  • Dividend Guidance Data Feed

Comparison Table

Dividend Announcement Data Feed Dividend Forecast Data Feed Dividend Guidance Data Feed
Contents Announced Dividends with ex-date occurring on the current business date or in the future. Announced and forecast dividends with ex-date occurring on the current business date or in the future. One row per dividend, typically there are several dividends forecast for any given security. Dividend forecasts are based on historical patterns and company-issued guidance. Company-issued dividend-related notifications released on the current business day including increase, decrease, commencement, suspension and omission. Special one-time dividends are included. An excerpt from the notification is provided.
Security Type(s) Covered NMS securities including Common Stock, Preferred Stock, ETF, CEF, ETN, MLP and REIT.
Possible Use(s) Dividends Calendar on Web Site or Newsletter Creating an accurate implied volatility (IV) forecast. - Creating an accurate dividend forecast
- Highlighting dividend changes of any kind in a blog or newsletter
Sample File Dividend Announcement Sample File Dividend Forecast Sample File Dividend Guidance Sample File
Pricing Single User or Small Firm: $500/month
Redistribution: Contact Us
Single User or Small Firm: $500/month
Redistribution: Contact Us
Single User or Small Firm: $500/month
Redistribution: Contact Us
Included with the Announcement and Forecast feeds at no additional charge.

File Layout

Announcement Forecast Guidance Name Type Description
1 1 1 FileTime TS Timestamp when feed was generated format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
2 2 2 SymbolComstock A Symbol of company, Comstock symbology ex: AA-B
3 3 3 SymbolCQS A Symbol of company, CQS symbology ex: AApB
4 4 4 SymbolCMS A Symbol of company, CMS symbology ex: AA PRB
5 5 5 Name A Name of Company or Security
6 6 6 EquityType A Common, ETF, Preferred, MLP, REIT, ClosedEndFund, ETN, etc.
7 7 7 HasOptions B Whether options are available for this product
8 8 8 ListingExchange A Name of primary listing exchange of security
9 ProductStatus A F = Actively Forecasting, S = Suspended (no forecast is possible), N = no forecast possibly because there are no historical dividends)
10 ExDateStatus A A = announced, P = projected
9 11 ExDate D The ExDate (if announced) format yyyy-MM-dd
12 ExDateRangeLow D Low side of ExDate (if projected) format yyyy-MM-dd
13 ExDateRangeHigh D High side of ExDate (if projected) format yyyy-MM-dd
10 14 RecordDate D The RecordDate (if available) format yyyy-MM-dd
11 15 PaymentDate D The PaymentDate (if available) format yyyy-MM-dd
12 16 9 AnnouncedDate D Date dividend was announced (if announced) format yyyy-MM-dd
17 AmountStatus A A=announced, P=Projected
13 18 10 Amount N Dividend amount (if announced)
19 AmountRangeLow N Low side of amount (if projected)
20 AmountRangeHigh N High side of amount (if projected)
14 11 AmountChange N Change to the amount of the dividend from previous dividend
15 21 IsSpecial B TRUE indicates a special dividend
16 22 12 Frequency A Dividend frequency (if a regular dividend applies) – Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannual, Annual
17 23 13 GuidanceNote A Guidance provided by issuer (if any) including "Increased", "Decreased", "Maintained", "Commenced", "ScheduleChange", "Reinstated", "Omitted"
18 24 14 CurrencyCode A ISO Currency code for announced dividends
15 Comments A Full text of the guidance comment (of any)

Contact Us

To subscribe or to ask a question about the data feeds or widgets contact us by email at data@marketchameleon.com .