Market Snapshot

Report Date: 7-Feb-2025

Provides an overview of the market's most actively traded stocks, based on option volume, with current volatility statistics and recent stock price performance.

Use these tables to search for equities or ETFs with high option volume movement which may provide trading insight based on IV % Rank (Elevated, Moderate or Subdued) or IV Level Change (Increased or Decreased). Individual holdings equity reports show gainers, unchanged and decliners for both the S&P 500 (SPY) and Dow Jones Industrial (DIA) indices.

Tabs present data for Major Market ETFs, Sector ETFs, Most Active non-ETF Options and the DIA & SPY indices. Hover over plotted results on the graphs to identify data on individual securities. Sort the table columns in the SPY and DIA Holdings tabs by clicking on column headings. For example, click on Today’s Volume column to rank symbols from low to high, and evaluate possible price change trends for a list of specific equities. Click on the icons in the Symbols column to view more information on the specific stock.

To learn more about Volatility, click here.

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