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AFIF Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF | BATS:AFIF)

Charts for Today's Stock Price and Implied Volatility in Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF

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Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF (AFIF) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF do?

The Fund is actively managed that normally invests at least 80% of its net assets, including any borrowings for investment purposes, in a diversified portfolio of fixed income instruments. The principal investments of the Fund include corporate bonds, U.S. government and agency securities, master-limited partners (tied to energy-related commodities), private debt, foreign sovereign bonds, convertible securities, bank loans, asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities, and cash equivalent instruments. To a lesser extent, the Fund may invest in dividend-paying common stocks. The Fund does not seek to maintain any particular weighted average maturity or duration, and may invest in fixed income instruments of any maturity or duration. The Fund will typically invest a substantial portion of the Funds investments in securities of issuers with a range of credit ratings that have stable or improving fundamentals. Securities of these issuers include secured bank loans and below investment grade bonds. The Fund may invest without limit in U.S. and non-U.S. dollar-denominated securities of U.S. and foreign issuers, including investing up to 20% of its net assets in issuers located in emerging market countries.

What symbol and exchange does Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF shares trade?

Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF trades on the BATS stock market under the symbol AFIF.

What is Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF stock price doing today?

As of January 2, 2025, AFIF stock price declined to $9.14 with 23,815 million shares trading.

What is Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF's Beta?

AFIF has a beta of 0.04, meaning it tends to be less sensitive to market movements. AFIF has a correlation of 0.11 to the broad based SPY ETF.

How much is Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF worth?

AFIF has a market cap of $103.74 million. This is considered a Micro Cap stock.

What is the highest and lowest price Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF traded in the last 3 year period?

In the last 3 years, AFIF traded as high as $9.56 and as low as $8.57.

Is Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF (AFIF) a good investment?

AFIF has underperformed the market in the last year with a return of +6.8%, while the SPY ETF gained +24.0%. In the last 3 month period, AFIF fell short of the market, returning +0.5%, while SPY returned +1.8%. However, in the most recent 2 weeks AFIF has outperformed the stock market by returning -0.2%, while SPY returned -3.3%.

What are the support and resistance levels for Anfield Universal Fixed Income ETF (AFIF)?

AFIF support price is $9.11 and resistance is $9.19 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that AFIF shares will trade within this expected range on the day.