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ASIA Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF | ARCA:ASIA)

Charts for Today's Stock Price and Implied Volatility in Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF


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Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF (ASIA) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF do?

Under normal circumstances, the Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its net assets, which include borrowings for investment purposes, in the common and preferred stocks of companies located in Asia Ex Japan. The ETF seeks to invest in companies capable of sustainable growth based on the fundamental characteristics of those companies, including balance sheet information; number of employees; size and stability of cash flow; management's depth, adaptability and integrity; product lines; marketing strategies; corporate governance; and financial health.

What symbol and exchange does Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF shares trade?

Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF trades on the ARCA stock market under the symbol ASIA.

What is Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF stock price doing today?

As of January 27, 2025, ASIA stock price declined to $25.64 with 9,399 million shares trading.

What is Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF's Beta?

ASIA has a beta of 0.95, meaning it tends to be less sensitive to market movements. ASIA has a correlation of 0.46 to the broad based SPY ETF.

How much is Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF worth?

ASIA has a market cap of $64.10 million. This is considered a Micro Cap stock.

Is Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF (ASIA) a good investment?

ASIA has underperformed the market in the last year with a price return of +6.0% while the SPY ETF gained +24.4%. ASIA has also underperformed the stock market ETF in the last 3 month and 2 week periods returning -8.8% and +1.8%, respectively, while the SPY returned +3.9% and +3.1%, respectively.

What are the support and resistance levels for Matthews International Funds Matthews Pacific Tiger Active ETF (ASIA)?

ASIA support price is $26.19 and resistance is $26.77 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that ASIA shares will trade within this expected range on the day.