Investment Objective: |
The Fund seeks investment results that closely correspond,before fees and expenses, to the performance of the MSCI USREIT Custom Capped Index (formerly known as the MSCI USA/REIT 25-50 Custom Index) (the Underlying Index ). The Fundwill invest at least 80% of its Assets in securities included in theUnderlying Index. Assets means net assets, plus the amount ofborrowing for investment purposes. The Underlying Index is afree-float adjusted market-cap weighted index designed tomeasure the performance of US equity real estate investmenttrust (REIT) securities. The Underlying Index is made up of thestocks of publicly traded US equity REITs, as determined by MSCIInc., the index provider. To be included initially in the UnderlyingIndex, an equity REIT must meet certain criteria established bythe index provider, including meeting a minimum marketcapitalization threshold as well as a liquidity threshold based ona number of factors, including trading volume and frequency oftrading. The Underlying Index includes a capping methodologywhich is designed to prevent the weight of any single issuer, andthe aggregate weight of issuers representing over 5% of theUnderlying Index, from exceeding a maximum of 25% of theUnderlying Index. |