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CABA Stock Posts

Unusual Option Volume

CABA Cabaletta Bio3.29+0.04 (+1.2%)

Cabaletta Bio trades 2,939 contracts.
Unusual Option Volume

CABA Cabaletta Bio3.27-0.24 (-6.8%)

Cabaletta Bio trades 2,389 contracts.
Unusual Option Volume

CABA Cabaletta Bio3.40-0.16 (-4.5%)

Cabaletta Bio trades 2,508 contracts. The company has the following event: 7th Annual Evercore HealthCONx Conference on Dec 4, 2024.
Unusual Option Volume

CABA Cabaletta Bio3.71-0.42 (-10.2%)

Cabaletta Bio trades 3,302 contracts. The company has the following event: 7th Annual Evercore HealthCONx Conference on Dec 4, 2024.
Unusual Option Volume

CABA Cabaletta Bio4.90+1.08 (+28.3%)

Cabaletta Bio trades 5,586 contracts. The company has the following event: 7th Annual Evercore HealthCONx Conference on Dec 4, 2024.

CABA 4.29+1.28 (+42.5%)Cabaletta Bio

  • ATM straddle for 20-Dec-24 expiration returned a positive 58.4% from the previous business day
  • The upside wing (25 delta calls) gained 500.0%
  • Downside put (25 delta puts) gained 16.7%
  • The company has the following event: 7th Annual Evercore HealthCONx Conference on Dec 4, 2024.
  • The option volume for 20-Dec-24 expiration is 4,665