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EFFI Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF | ARCA:EFFI)

Charts for Today's Stock Price and Implied Volatility in Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF


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Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF (EFFI) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF do?

The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective through active exposures to equity securities of resource efficient large- and mid-capitalization public companies across developed market countries, excluding the United States. The Fund defines resource efficient public companies as those that, relative to their sector peers, emit less carbon, consume less water and generate less waste. The quantitative strategy used by Osmosis Investment Management US LLC (the "Subadvisor") in managing the Fund is predicated on its theory that resource efficiency, as measured by its proprietary Resource Efficiency Scores, is a predictor of which companies will generate investment returns above those of the MSCI World ex US Index. Companies are scored relative to other companies in their respective sector with respect to their publicly reported carbon emissions, water use and waste production (including hazardous, non-hazardous or nuclear waste, which may be recycled incinerated or landfilled) in order to produce scores that are comparable across sectors. The Subadvisor maintains a database of proprietary environmental information and collects, verifies and standardizes data for use in calculating proprietary Resource Efficiency Scores.

What symbol and exchange does Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF shares trade?

Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF trades on the ARCA stock market under the symbol EFFI.

What is Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF stock price doing today?

As of January 6, 2025, EFFI stock price was flat at $18.96 with 7 million shares trading.

How much is Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF worth?

EFFI has a market cap of $52.62 million. This is considered a Micro Cap stock.

What are the support and resistance levels for Harbor ETF Trust Harbor Osmosis International Resource Efficient ETF (EFFI)?

EFFI support price is $18.87 and resistance is $19.06 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that EFFI shares will trade within this expected range on the day.