Symbol | Name | Current Price |
Current % Chg |
Premarket Price |
Premarket % Chg |
1-Month % Return Total return for the stock over the last 1-month period, including all dividends paid |
6-Month % Return Total return for the stock over the last 6-month period, including all dividends paid |
1-Year % Return Total return for the stock over the last 1-year period, including all dividends paid |
P/E Ratio Ratio Price/Earnings. Common valuation ratio measures the price of the stock relative to how much earnings the company generates per share. |
Price/Sales Ratio Price / Revenue | Price/Book Ratio Price/Book Value. Book Value is Common Shareholder’s Equity / Diluted Shares Outstanding. |
Gross Margin Refers to the ratio of gross profit to revenue. (Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold) / Revenue |
Revenue Growth 5-Yr |
Net Income Growth 5-Yr |
Market Cap |
Correlation R-Sq The r-squared of the correlation between the current symbol (IRTR) and the symbol listed on each row. |
-- Median Values in Table -- |