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JG Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares | NASDAQ:JG)

Charts for Today's Stock Price and Implied Volatility in Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares

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Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares (JG) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares do?

Aurora Mobile Ltd provides stable, and accurate developer services for educational and medical products. It is focused on providing companies with stable and efficient push notification services. It provides a comprehensive suite of services to mobile app developers in mainland China. Through its developer services, they gain access to, aggregate, cleanse, structure and encrypt vast amounts of real-time and anonymous device-level mobile behavioral data. It offers data services such as iAPP which helps the investors to analyze opportunities in the sector, Anti-fraud helps to identify fraud risks, iAudience, iZone and other related services. The company operates and generates its revenue from the People's Republic of China.

What symbol and exchange does Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares shares trade?

Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares trades on the NASDAQ stock market under the symbol JG.

What is Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares stock price doing today?

As of February 5, 2025, JG stock price climbed to $11.52 with 607,485 million shares trading.

What is Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares's Beta?

JG has a beta of 0.95, meaning it tends to be less sensitive to market movements. JG has a correlation of 0.01 to the broad based SPY ETF.

How much is Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares worth?

JG has a market cap of $68.94 million. This is considered a Micro Cap stock.

What is the highest and lowest price Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares traded in the last 3 year period?

In the last 3 years, JG traded as high as $28.40 and as low as $1.85.

Is Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares (JG) a good investment?

JG has outperformed the market in the last year with a price return of +191.6% while the SPY ETF gained +23.6%. JG has also outperformed the stock market ETF in the last 3 month and 2 week periods returning +100.7% and +87.0%, respectively, while the SPY returned +6.3% and +0.1%, respectively.

What are the support and resistance levels for Aurora Mobile Limited - American Depositary Shares (JG)?

JG support price is $7.88 and resistance is $9.74 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that JG shares will trade within this expected range on the day.