Bull Call Spreads
Bull Put Spreads
Bear Call Spreads
Bear Put Spreads
Call Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Call Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Condors
[Long Inner, Short Outer]
Iron Condors
[Short Inner, Long Outer]
Use this calculator to estimate the number of years it would take the cumulative earnings to equal the current stock price. You can enter a different estimated EPS and estimated annual growth rate to see how the payback period changes.
As a starting point, we used KFY (Non-Gaap) TTM earnings of $4.48 and we assumed an annual earnings growth rate of 9.0%. The growth rate is based on the company's historical 3 year average earnings growth.