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KIRK Stock Posts

Unusual Option Volume

KIRK Kirkland's2.16+0.17 (+8.5%)

Unusual Option Volume

KIRK Kirkland's2.19+0.26 (+13.5%)

Kirkland's trades 2,787 contracts.
Unusual Option Volume

KIRK Kirkland's4.60+0.76 (+19.8%)

Kirkland's trades 2,585 contracts. The company has the following event: Wolfe Research Virtual Consumer Growth Conference on Dec 6, 2022.
$KIRK earnings move 0.8% vs an expected ±20.5% move
Unusual Option Volume

KIRK Kirkland's3.82+0.01 (+0.3%)

Kirkland's trades 9,545 contracts. The highest volume is in the 21-Apr-23 3 puts. News: KIRKLAND'S HOME REPORTS THIRD QUARTER 2022 RESULTS
$KIRK Earnings December 02 BMO. 16-Dec-22 Straddle Implies ±21.1% Move vs 6qtr Absolute Avg 12.1%