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Unusual Option Volume

SNN Smith & Nephew Snats22.39-0.59 (-2.6%)

Smith & Nephew Snats trades 4,917 contracts.
Unusual Option Volume

SNN Smith & Nephew Snats35.35+0.46 (+1.3%)

Smith & Nephew Snats trades 2,265 contracts. The highest volume is in the 19-Nov-21 40 calls, which is 13.2% above the current price.
Unusual Option Volume

SNN Smith & Nephew Snats39.93+0.83 (+2.1%)

Smith & Nephew Snats trades 4,527 contracts. The highest volume is in the 21-May-21 42.5 calls, which is 6.4% above the current price.
Unusual Option Volume

SNN Smith & Nephew Snats Inc.49.53+0.08 (+0.2%)

Smith & Nephew Snats Inc. trades 3,007 contracts.

SNN 49.56+0.11 (+0.2%)Smith & Nephew Snats Inc.

  • ATM straddle for 21-Feb-20 expiration returned a negative -36.9% from the previous business day
  • The upside wing (25 delta calls) declined -7.1%
  • Downside put (25 delta puts) lost -33.3%
  • The option volume for 21-Feb-20 expiration is 2,000
Unusual Option Volume

SNN Smith & Nephew Snats Inc.43.72+0.47 (+1.1%)

Smith & Nephew Snats Inc. trades 3,565 contracts.