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SUUN Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Solarbank | NASDAQ:SUUN)

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Solarbank (SUUN) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Solarbank do?

SolarBank Corp is an independent renewable and clean energy project developer and asset operator based in Canada and the United States. It is engaged in the development and operation of solar photovoltaic power generation projects in the province of Ontario and the state of New York. The company operates in two principal geographical areas - Canada and United States with a substantial portion of its overall revenue being generated from United States.

What symbol and exchange does Solarbank shares trade?

Solarbank trades on the NASDAQ stock market under the symbol SUUN.

What is Solarbank stock price doing today?

As of February 10, 2025, SUUN stock price climbed to $6.39 with 1,379,140 million shares trading.

What is Solarbank's Beta?

SUUN has a beta of -0.35, meaning it tends to be less sensitive to market movements. SUUN has a correlation of 0.00 to the broad based SPY ETF.

How much is Solarbank worth?

SUUN has a market cap of $197.50 million. This is considered a Micro Cap stock.

What are the support and resistance levels for Solarbank (SUUN)?

SUUN support price is $4.29 and resistance is $4.95 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that SUUN shares will trade within this expected range on the day.