Bull Call Spreads
Bull Put Spreads
Bear Call Spreads
Bear Put Spreads
Call Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Call Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Put Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Short ATM, Long OTM]
Iron Butterflies
[Long ATM, Short OTM]
Iron Condors
[Long Inner, Short Outer]
Iron Condors
[Short Inner, Long Outer]
Shows daily historical stock prices for VLN+ stock. Premium subscribers can access up to one year's worth of data. Includes Opening, Closing, High, and Low trade prices for the day, as well as the day's volume and closing price change. All prices shown are adjusted for splits. If the stock has options listed, the table also displays 30-day implied volatility and option trading volume for each trading day available.
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