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WUCT Stock Summary and Trading Ideas (Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN | ARCA:WUCT)

Charts for Today's Stock Price and Implied Volatility in Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN

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Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN (WUCT) Frequently Asked Questions

What does Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN do?

The ETRACS Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN is an Exchange Traded Note linked to the performance of the Solactive Whitney U.S. Critical Technologies CNTR Index, less tracking fees. The ETN does not pay out any coupons. The Underlying Index is designed to track large- and mid-cap companies that are associated with critical technology sectors and that meet a minimum geopolitical risk rating score. The Index is a market-capitalization weighted index, subject to caps on individual companies, that is designed to track largeand mid-cap companies in developed markets that are associated with critical technology sectors and that meet a minimum "geopolitical risk rating score". The Index selection criteria were developed by J.H. Whitney Data Services LLC and are in part based on critical technology areas established by the U.S. Department of Defense. The Underlying Index is an adjusted net total return index and the Index level reflects the notional reinvestment of the cash distributions from its constituent securities, subject to dividend withholding taxes, on distributions made by applicable non-U.S. Index Constituent Securities. No dividend withholding taxes are applied to distributions made by applicable U.S. Index Constituent Securities.

What symbol and exchange does Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN shares trade?

Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN trades on the ARCA stock market under the symbol WUCT.

What is Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN stock price doing today?

As of December 12, 2024, WUCT stock price was flat at $37.14 with million shares trading.

How much is Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN worth?

WUCT has a market cap of $7.43 million. This is considered a Sub-Micro Cap stock.

Is Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN (WUCT) a good investment?

WUCT has underperformed the market in the last year with a return of +30.0%, while SPY returned +32.3%. This shows that you would have done better investing in the overall market (through SPY) over the last year than in WUCT shares. However, WUCT has outperformed the market in the last 3 month and 2 week periods, returning +10.5% and +3.0%, while SPY returned +9.3% and +0.9%, respectively. This indicates WUCT has been having a stronger performance recently.

What are the support and resistance levels for Etracs Whitney US Critical Technologies ETN (WUCT)?

WUCT support price is $35.87 and resistance is $38.41 (based on 1 day standard deviation move). This means that using the most recent 20 day stock volatility and applying a one standard deviation move around the stock's closing price, stastically there is a 67% probability that WUCT shares will trade within this expected range on the day.