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Empowering Haiti's Future: HDN Advocates for Inclusive Voter Participation in Upcoming Elections

Evertise 7-Mar-2024 1:10 PM

Washington, DC – March 7, 2024 – As Haiti stands at a critical juncture in its history, the Haitian Development Network (HDN) reiterates the paramount importance of inclusive governance and equitable representation in shaping the nation’s political landscape. With political stability hanging in the balance, HDN underscores the crucial role of massive voter participation, particularly among Haitians living in the Diaspora, in the upcoming elections.

Jacques Jonassaint, renowned for his role as a former Special Envoy of President Emile Jonassaint to the Clinton Administration, infuses HDN’s mission with profound insight and unwavering commitment. His deep-rooted understanding of Haiti’s history and contemporary challenges fuels HDN’s advocacy efforts, steering them towards empowerment and self-determination for the Haitian people.

In a world where the marginalized are often sidelined, HDN remains steadfast in its commitment to amplifying Haitian voices and fostering grassroots initiatives. With political turmoil and unrest plaguing Haiti in recent years, the upcoming elections present an opportunity for Haitians, both at home and abroad, to exercise their fundamental right to vote and actively participate in shaping their country’s future.

“Political stability in Haiti rests significantly on massive voter participation in the next elections and depends greatly on allowing all Haitians to vote, particularly those Haitian voters living in the Diaspora,” remarked Jacques, Chairman at HDN. “By ensuring that every Haitian voice is heard and every vote counts, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and representative democracy in Haiti.”

HDN’s advocacy efforts extend beyond the ballot box, encompassing initiatives aimed at empowering Haitians to engage meaningfully in the political process and effect positive change in their communities. Through education, outreach programs, and advocacy campaigns, HDN seeks to break down barriers to political participation and foster a culture of civic engagement among all Haitians, regardless of their geographical location.

As Haiti navigates the complexities of its political landscape, HDN calls upon stakeholders, both domestically and internationally, to prioritize voter inclusion and support efforts to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections. By embracing diversity and promoting inclusive governance, Haiti can chart a course towards stability, prosperity, and sustainable development for all its citizens.

To learn more about HDN’s advocacy initiatives and how you can support their mission, please visit

Media Contact:

Jacques Jonassaint


Location: Washington, DC




About the Haitian Development Network:

The Haitian Development Network (HDN) is a non-profit organization that works towards promoting economic and social development in Haiti. Our goal is to empower the Haitian people by providing them with the necessary resources and support to build a better future. To learn more about HDN and our work, please visit our website at