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PRNewswire 18-Dec-2024 4:40 PM
The Company's Board and Management, Under Chairman and CEO Seifi Ghasemi's Leadership, Have Delivered Over $44 Billion in Shareholder Value Creation1
Continues to Successfully Execute Two-Pillar Growth Strategy to Grow Core Industrial Gas Business While Capitalizing on First-Mover Advantage in Clean Hydrogen Market
Air Products' Board is Refreshed, Independent and Fit-For-Purpose –
Mantle Ridge's Proposed Nominees Would Remove Significant and Relevant Experience and Expertise
Mantle Ridge's Proposed Executive Chairman Candidate Appears Alarmingly Unfit to Lead Air Products or any Public Company; Preferred CEO Candidate is Insufficiently Qualified
Board Mails Letter Urging Shareholders to Vote "FOR" ONLY Air Products' Nominees on the WHITE Proxy Card
LEHIGH VALLEY, Pa., Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Air Products (NYSE:APD) Board of Directors today announced that it has posted an investor presentation and mailed a letter to shareholders in connection with its upcoming 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting"), which will be held at 8:30 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time on January 23, 2025. All Air Products shareholders of record as of the close of business on November 27, 2024 will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting. The presentation and letter are both available at
The full text of the letter summarizing the presentation follows:
Dear Fellow Shareholder,
The Air Products Annual Meeting is fast approaching, and you have an important opportunity to protect the value of your investment and the meaningful results the Company has delivered and anticipates continuing to deliver – as we have for the past 10 years. Under the supervision of our Board, management is executing a long-term strategy to grow our core industrial gas business, while leveraging decades of relevant expertise to capitalize on our important first-mover position in the clean hydrogen market to deliver maximized value for our shareholders.
We ask that you please visit our Annual Meeting website at or the Company Investor Relations page to find a new investor presentation that we filed today, entitled "Creating Superior Shareholder Value Through Disciplined Investment in Clean Hydrogen," where we go through, in greater detail, why our long-term growth strategy is the right one, why Air Products' Nominees are the necessary leaders to move Air Products forward, and why shareholders should not support Mantle Ridge's nominees.
We recommend you vote your shares "FOR" ONLY Air Products' Nominees – Tonit M. Calaway, Charles Cogut, Lisa A. Davis, Seifollah Ghasemi, Jessica Trocchi Graziano, Edward L. Monser, Bhavesh V. ("Bob") Patel, Wayne T. Smith and Alfred Stern – on the Company's WHITE proxy card.
Since Mr. Ghasemi became CEO in 2014, he has spearheaded the transformation of Air Products into the most profitable industrial gas business in the world based on adjusted EBITDA margin, growing the business at GDP-plus rates. This strong cash generation has allowed Air Products to invest in our core industrial gas business, while expanding into clean hydrogen – a tremendous growth opportunity now and well into the future.
Our strong performance has directly benefitted shareholders through $11.5 billion in cash returned since 2014. In addition, our dividend per share has increased for 42 consecutive years and grown at a ~9% CAGR for the past 10 years, demonstrating our commitment to sharing with our investors the value we create. Including dividends, Air Products has delivered over $44 billion in total shareholder value3 over the last decade under Mr. Ghasemi's leadership.
During Mr. Ghasemi's tenure, the Company has delivered the following key financial outcomes:
Under Mr. Ghasemi's direction, the Company has continuously pushed for profitability improvements and has been increasing its price-cost spread. This has been accomplished through favorable contract modifications over time, resulting in an increased contribution of stable on-site revenues. Further improvement and growth of the core industrial gas business are ongoing, and the Board and management team remain focused on maximizing value over the long-term.
We remain focused on investing in, and growing, our core industrial gas business, which delivers industry-leading profitability based on adjusted EBITDA margin,7 while advancing our first-mover advantage in the clean hydrogen market. We have allocated more than 50% of our total capital expenditures for FY 2023-2025 to our core business, underscoring our commitment to its continued growth. We have already launched multiple projects in recent years aimed at improving capacity, increasing efficiencies and reaching new industrial gas markets.
In tandem with these investments, Air Products is positioning the core business to capture opportunities for growth in expanding market segments. For instance, we have accumulated a critical mass of infrastructure strategically placed next to global electronics providers' fabrication facilities, orienting our core industrial gas business to benefit from data center, AI and CHIPS Act tailwinds.
As a result of this approach, we have achieved significant tangible benefits to the business. Our on-site core capabilities model is driving resilience through a balanced mix of on-site and merchant sales. We are more heavily weighted toward the stable, infrastructure-like on-site business model than our peers, strengthening the durability of our business.
At the same time, we are expanding into clean hydrogen, a market with immense long-term potential:
According to independent experts, the clean hydrogen market is expected to be worth more than $600 billion by 2030 and exceed $1 trillion by 2050.9 Clean hydrogen may contribute up to 20% of total global abatement needed by 2050.10 Clean hydrogen is anticipated to have applications across a diverse array of end markets including road transport, shipping, iron, aluminum and steel, chemicals and petrochemicals, and power generation.
No company is better positioned than Air Products – with more than 65 years of hydrogen experience – to meet the growing demand in this space, by serving global customers across industries working to improve efficiency and reliability while reducing emissions. Initially capturing even a small portion of the clean hydrogen market would provide incredible value for shareholders.
There are four key elements that make being the first mover in clean hydrogen incredibly crucial, and where Air Products has an edge:
Underpinning our advantage in these four important areas are the critical developments of proprietary knowledge and intellectual property, which enable a first-mover advantage to transition into a world-leading position.
Capturing a small portion of market share now will compound as the market continues to expand.
Because of our foresight and strategic investment, Air Products has achieved several early successes in clean hydrogen to date:
These important achievements are underpinned by the Board's relentless focus on disciplined capital allocation and risk management controls. We remain focused on delivering on the onstream dates we have outlined and are securing more contracted offtake. The Company expects to generate positive net cash starting in FY2027.
Our Board is committed to strong governance practices, including regular Board refreshment. This is demonstrated through our diverse and continuously enhanced Board composition. With Air Products shareholders supporting our nominations of Mr. Patel and Mr. Stern at the 2025 Annual Meeting, six out of nine Directors will have been first elected in the last five years. Our Board is world-class with expertise across a full range of disciplines, from operations and supply chain optimization to corporate governance and regulations. It consists of individuals with high-caliber executive and leadership experience in chemicals, industrial manufacturing and renewables as well as public company board experience.
Mantle Ridge is seeking to replace four directors who are integral to our Board: Seifollah (Seifi) Ghasemi, Edward L. Monser, Charles Cogut and Lisa A. Davis. If successful, Mantle Ridge's nominees would eliminate significant and relevant expertise brought by these current directors and disrupt the significant progress the Company has made.
Seifollah "Seifi" Ghasemi Chairman, President and CEO of Air Products | Dennis Reilley Mantle Ridge Chairman Nominee |
- Multiple news outlets reported, based on testimony in a federal court plea hearing, that he leaked to a friend non-public information he was privy to during the period he served as a director of Covidien, DowDuPont and Marathon Oil, including, in the case of Covidien, about an upcoming M&A transaction resulting in federal and SEC enforcement charges and fines against the friend and a business associate
Edward L. Monser Lead Independent Director of Air Products | Paul Hilal Mantle Ridge CEO and Nominee |
-No experience with the board or operations of an industrial gas or chemicals company -Track record of value destruction and mismanaged succession processes at all of Mantle Ridge's public activist campaigns – Aramark, CSX and Dollar Tree – TSR relative to the S&P 500 during his Board tenures decreased at all companies: Dollar Tree -104%, CSX -69% and Aramark -63%14 -Dissident director slate appears assembled largely based on previous relationships and activism involvement as opposed to fit-for-purpose recruitment -Under his board oversight, CSX said in October 2024 it had received a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission over an accounting restatement, as well as information requests about some of the company's performance metrics |
Charles Cogut Independent Director of Air Products | Tracy McKibben Mantle Ridge Nominee |
-Less relevant experience than targeted directors -Appears to have significantly less legal experience than Mr. Cogut -Energy experience via advisory work is redundant, but on a much less comparable level given Lisa Davis and Alfred Stern's much more significant energy expertise -Former board experience includes governance issues involving related party transactions and involvement in controversial and unsuccessful activism campaigns |
Lisa A. Davis Independent Director of Air Products | Andrew Evans Mantle Ridge Nominee |
-Less relevant experience than targeted directors -Public executive and board experience limited to the U.S. and affiliation with an activist shareholder campaign -Industry credentials and renewable energy project experience pale in caliber to those of Lisa Davis -Oversaw the finances of the Vogtle nuclear power plant expansion project at Southern Co as CEO, which was plagued by construction delays and cost overruns – the project was seven years late and $17 billion over budget |
The core pillar of Mantle Ridge's efforts is the replacement of the Board's lead independent director, Ed Monser, as well as our Chairman and CEO, Seifi Ghasemi, with its hand-picked successors, Dennis Reilley and Eduardo Menezes. As you consider changes which would upend the leadership at Air Products and derail our momentum, we believe it is important that you are aware of the following facts relating to Mr. Reilley that the Board became aware of during its thorough evaluation of Mantle Ridge's nominees:
A portion of the transcript from the hearing in which Mr. Davidson pled guilty to lying to the FBI regarding who he received information in connection with the Covidien/Medtronic's merger is pasted below. If true, the statements are deeply concerning, as they show the director in question leaked board confidences regularly with his friend:
MS. ANDERSON [Assistant U.S. Attorney]: And he D.R. provided you with nonpublic information he had received from all three of those boards, correct?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, ma'am.
MS. ANDERSON: And he D.R. forwarded emails he received as a board member?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, ma'am.
MS. ANDERSON: You had, in fact, received nonpublic information from D.R. that he had acquired from his board work at Covidien, Marathon and Dow, correct?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, ma'am.
MS. ANDERSON: And sometime between March 2014 and May 15th, 2014, you specifically learned from D.R. about developing negotiations about Covidien's merger with or acquisition by Medtronic, correct?
THE DEFENDANT: That is correct.
MS. ANDERSON: And you understood that information to be nonpublic, correct?
THE DEFENDANT: Yes, ma'am.
In a statement Mantle Ridge issued on December 13 in response to another media report on the matter, it stated, "To be clear, Mr. Reilley in no way acted inappropriately, and has never been accused of or charged with any impropriety or wrongdoing in connection with the matter." Mantle Ridge also claimed in its response that Mr. Davidson's testimony was "false".
While Mr. Reilley was never formally charged by the FBI or the SEC for any wrongdoing, the information revealed in Mr. Davidson's plea agreement and the SEC's complaint against Mr. Special, if true, raises grave concerns about Mr. Reilley's trustworthiness and ability to comply with his basic duty of confidentiality as a director. Mantle Ridge has offered no reasonable explanation to shareholders regarding this matter, other than to claim the testimony obtained under oath is false.
These circumstances not only call into question Mantle Ridge's judgment in putting Mr. Reilley forward, but also the credibility of the entire Mantle Ridge slate and campaign. In the Board's view, this matter should disqualify Mr. Reilley from ever again serving on a public company board.
In addition, Mantle Ridge's proposed CEO candidate, Eduardo Menezes, lacks public company CEO or board experience – two key criteria for Air Products' next CEO that the Board established months ago. By proposing a CEO candidate like Mr. Menezes who would require substantial on-the-job training and chaperoning at a pivotal moment for the Company, Mantle Ridge has clearly demonstrated that it is not interested in a thoughtful succession process that would benefit all shareholders and is instead only concerned about its own interests. Mr. Menezes is insufficiently experienced and lacks the basic qualifications our Board is looking for in CEO candidates.
Key CEO Search Qualities Established Before Engagement with Mantle Ridge by the Air Products Board | Eduardo Menezes Mantle Ridge CEO Candidate |
-No significant employment experience outside of his tenure at Linde and the company's subsidiaries -Was passed over for the CEO role at Linde after 35 years with the company, never being promoted beyond EVP and Head of EMEA -No public company C-suite or board experience -Retired since leaving Linde in 2021 |
In contrast to Mantle Ridge's inadequate CEO candidate who fails to meet the Board's previously communicated search criteria, Air Products is advancing with a CEO succession process to find an excellent candidate suited to lead the Company in this next stage of growth. This process was announced in August 2024, prior to D.E. Shaw's, or Mantle Ridge's involvement. The Board has committed to providing an announcement of a new President and related timeline for CEO succession no later than March 31, 2025.
Mr. Hilal and Mantle Ridge have run the same failed playbook in each of its three activist campaigns since its founding. Each case forced major changes, including replacing the CEOs, and have failed to create long-term value for shareholders relative to the S&P 500. Since its founding, Mantle Ridge has never run an activist campaign or made a CEO change that has driven outperformance.
Mantle Ridge's stale, recycled playbook has failed before, and, if implemented at Air Products, would fail again. Mantle Ridge's substandard Chairman and CEO candidates and lack of any credible plan leave us highly concerned that, if successful with its campaign, its actions would derail our clean hydrogen strategy and destroy shareholder value.
The Board understands its responsibility to deliver value to ALL shareholders. The Board also, with the support of its leadership advisory firm, considered Mantle Ridge's revised slate and unanimously determined these nominees still do not offer qualifications superior to Air Products' well-balanced slate of nominees with the proper skills and experience to lead the Company through its next phase of growth.
We strongly urge that you vote your shares "FOR" ONLY Air Products' Nominees. Please discard any blue proxy card you may receive from Mantle Ridge.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
The Air Products Board of Directors
For more information regarding our Board nominees and strategy, please visit:
YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT. Whether or not you plan to virtually attend the 2025 Annual Meeting, please take a few minutes now to vote by Internet or by telephone by following the instructions on the WHITE proxy card, or to sign, date and return the enclosed WHITE proxy card in the enclosed postage-paid envelope provided. Regardless of the number of Company shares you own, your presence by proxy is helpful to establish a quorum and your vote is important.
If you have any questions or require any assistance with voting your shares, |
Innisfree M&A Incorporated |
501 Madison Avenue, 20th Floor |
New York, New York 10022 |
Shareholders: 1 (877) 750-0537 (toll-free from the U.S. and Canada) |
or +1 (412) 232-3651 (from other countries) |
About Air Products
Air Products (NYSE: APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for over 80 years focused on serving energy, environmental, and emerging markets and generating a cleaner future. The Company supplies essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including refining, chemicals, metals, electronics, manufacturing, medical and food. As the leading global supplier of hydrogen, Air Products also develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world's largest clean hydrogen projects, supporting the transition to low- and zero-carbon energy in the industrial and heavy-duty transportation sectors. Through its sale of equipment businesses, the Company also provides turbomachinery, membrane systems and cryogenic containers globally.
Air Products had fiscal 2024 sales of $12.1 billion from operations in approximately 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of over $65 billion. Approximately 23,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products' higher purpose to create innovative solutions that benefit the environment, enhance sustainability and reimagine what's possible to address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook or Instagram.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This communication contains certain financial measures that are not prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), including adjusted EPS, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin. On our website, at, we have included definitions and reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. Management believes these non-GAAP financial measures provide investors, potential investors, securities analysts, and others with useful information to evaluate our business because such measures, when viewed together with our GAAP disclosures, provide a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting our business. The non-GAAP financial measures supplement our GAAP disclosures and are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the most directly comparable measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. These measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.
Forward-Looking Statements
This communication contains "forward-looking statements" within the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this communication and are not guarantees of future performance. While forward-looking statements are made in good faith and based on assumptions, expectations and projections that management believes are reasonable based on currently available information, actual performance and financial results may differ materially from projections and estimates expressed in the forward-looking statements because of many factors, including the risk factors described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024 and other factors disclosed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, we disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the assumptions, beliefs or expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances upon which any such forward-looking statements are based.
Investor Inquiries:
Eric Guter, tel: (610) 481-1872; email: Mun Shieh, tel: (610) 481-2951;
1Based on $25.2B market capitalization on June 30, 2014 (one day prior to first day as CEO) and December 13, 2024
2Based on $25.2B market capitalization on June 30, 2014 (one day prior to Seifi Ghasemi's first day as CEO) and December 13, 2024
3Based on $25.2B market capitalization on June 30, 2014 (one day prior to Seifi Ghasemi's first day as CEO) and December 13, 2024
4Non-GAAP financial measure. Visit for reconciliation.
5Non-GAAP financial measure. Visit for reconciliation.
6Peers include Air Liquide, Linde and Nippon Sanso. Air Products based on GAAP sales CAGR from 9/30/14 to 9/30/24 as reclassified to give effect to divestitures of the PMD and EMD businesses. Air Liquide based on CAGR from 12/31/14 to 12/31/24(E) and is adjusted for its acquisition of Airgas. Linde based on CAGR from 12/31/16 to 12/31/24(E) and is adjusted for its combination with Praxair. Nippon Sanso based on CAGR from 3/31/18 to 3/31/25(E) and is adjusted for its acquisition of Praxair European Assets. Starting revenue data-point is converted to USD at historical FX rate
7Non-GAAP financial measure. Visit for reconciliation.
8Source: International Energy Agency World Energy Outlook 2022
9Source: Deloitte 2023 Global Green Hydrogen Outlook
10Science Direct – Direct 2021; Emerging carbon abatement technologies to mitigate energy-carbon footprint- a review
11Ownership value based on APD share price as of 12/13/2024
12Based on $25.2B market capitalization on June 30, 2014 (one day prior to first day as CEO) and December 13, 2024
13Permission to use quote neither sought nor obtained
14TSR Reflects dividend-adjusted total return percentage over tenure or as of 12/13/2024 for current positions
15United States of America v. John Kenneth Davidson, Case No. 19-cr-56, filed on February 25, 2019. Transcript Dated March 5, 2019.
16Nolan Clay, The Oklahoman, February 27, 2019, "FBI insider trading probe results in criminal charge in Oklahoma City federal court"
17Securities and Exchange Commission v. Special et al, Case No. 19-cv-1152, filed on December 12, 2019.
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