A table for both the upcoming quarterly earnings releases and historical releases for BTTR, if available. Projected earnings dates are based on past patterns. For stocks that list options, we compare the market's implied earnings effect against the actual earnings effect in the stock price.
Hover over Price Effect to see price change values
In the historical earnings table above, you can find BTTR historical earnings dates and the historical stock price reactions to those earnings. Additionally, you can find the time of day of the earnings release (i.e. Before Market Open or After Market Close) and the historical conference call date and time.
In the historical earnings table above, in the column labeled "Implied Straddle", you will see the percentage move that was expected for the earnings based on the options at-the-money straddle price. Furthermore, you can see a before and after price effect comparison in BTTR earnings. The "Implied Straddle" column will show you what the market expected the stock price move to be before the earnings release and the "Price Effect" column will show you what the actual stock price move was after the release. This will give you a good idea of how good the market place is at predicting the stock price reaction of an earnings report for BTTR.
In the upcoming earnings table above, you will see the next earnings date along with a status; Announced (if the company issued a press release with the upcoming date) or Projected (a prediction of the next earnings date based on historical information).