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GOOGL Stock Posts

Bullish play with a target stock price of $172.50 or above

Strategy has +47% upside potential and 3% overvalued

Bullish play with a target stock price of $167.50 or above

Strategy has +32% upside potential and 11% overvalued

Something to keep an eye on: Mostly professional traders are showing a short build up in $GOOGL. Net option volume delta is -388 K!

Bearish play with a target stock price of $160

Strategy has +259% upside potential and 11% undervalued

Something to keep an eye on: Mostly professional traders are showing a long build up in $GOOGL. Net option volume delta is 402 K!

Bullish play with a target stock price of $165 or above

Strategy has +31% upside potential and 12% overvalued