Investment Objective: |
The Index includes all REIT securities listed in developed and emerging markets and included as constituents of the S&P Global BMI Shariah Index, a comprehensive global Sharia-compliant index of publicly-traded equity securities. Constituents included in the S&P Global BMI Shariah Index must have a float-adjusted market capitalization of at least 100 million and an annual trading value of at least 50 million. A REIT is a security of a company that invests in real estate, either through real estate property, mortgages and similar real estate investments, or all of the foregoing. Islamic religious law commonly known as Sharia has certain restrictions regarding finance and commercial activities permitted for Muslims, including interest restrictions and prohibited industries. Constituents of the S&P Global BMI Shariah Index, and therefore constituents of the Index, have been screened for non-compliant business activities (companies that offer products and services that are not compliant with Sharia law such as gambling, alcohol, or tobacco) and compliance with certain accounting-based financial ratios (companies must satisfy financial ratios governing leverage, cash, and the share of revenues derived from non-compliant activities). |