Investment Objective: |
The Direxion Daily TSLA Bear 1X Shares (TSLS) seeks daily inverse investment results and is very different from most other exchange-traded funds. The pursuit of daily inverse investment goals means that the return of the fund for a period longer than a full trading day may have no resemblance to -100% of the return of the common shares of Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) This means that the return of the fund for a period longer than a trading day will be the result of each single day's compounded return over the period, which will very likely differ from -100% of the return of TSLA for that period. Longer holding periods and higher volatility of TSLA increase the impact of compounding on an investor's returns. During periods of higher volatility, the volatility of TSLA may affect the fund's return as much as, or more than, the return of TSLA. Further, the return for investors that invest for periods longer or shorter than a trading day should not be expected to be -100% of the performance of TSLA for the period. |