at (Fri, 15-Nov 8:01 AM)
Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) Opens New Positions in Domino’s Pizza and Pool Corp.
at (Thu, 14-Nov 6:29 PM)
Ulta Beauty (ULTA) Gets a Hold from Bank of America Securities
at (Wed, 13-Nov 9:56 AM)
If ULTA Stays Within a ±6% Trading Band This Iron Condor Spread Can Yield 45%
Market Chameleon (Mon, 14-Oct 11:25 AM)
ULTA Put Spread is Overpriced at $0.60; Theoretical Value $0.37
Market Chameleon (Fri, 11-Oct 2:33 PM)
If ULTA Price Stays Between $358 to $380 Level This Iron Condor Will Yield 64%
Market Chameleon (Fri, 11-Oct 2:13 PM)
ULTA Pre-Earnings History Points to a Sharp Rally
Market Chameleon (Tue, 27-Aug 11:00 AM)
In the past 3 years, ULTA shares had big gains pre-earnings
Market Chameleon (Mon, 26-Aug 11:42 AM)
Here's what history shows about ULTA past earnings run-ups
Market Chameleon (Fri, 23-Aug 10:13 AM)