Provides a comprehensive list of equities with upcoming Ex-Dividend dates, either announced or projected. Lists may be filtered and sorted to highlight selected stock attributes.
The Future Ex-Dividend Dates Report is fully functional for premium subscribers.
With thousands of publicly-traded U.S. companies paying regular dividends, investors have a wide variety of alternatives when looking to add dividend income to their portfolios. Searching for stocks with upcoming Ex-Dividend dates can provide clues as to when to invest to capture the dividend, as well as how upcoming payment dates will affect income distribution. Click here to learn more about dividends.
From the main menu go to Dividends > Future Ex-Dates (or Click here).
The table below has been filtered for all stocks in the S&P 500, with Announced Ex-Dividend dates in the next 30 days, and for which Options are actively traded. The search identified 151 stocks.
The Excel spreadsheet below is downloaded to your personal computer. To conduct additional filtering and search, highlight the first row by clicking on the first row header (which contains column headings), move the cursor to Sort & Filter, and select Filter. Drop-down arrows should appear in the cells of the top row which can be used to perform compound and numerical filtering.
To find stocks which have yields greater than 2.5%, and which have Increased their dividends: (a) click on the Filter icon in the Yield Column, highlight Number Filters, and click Greater Than….; enter ".025" and hit return; (b) now click on the Filter icon in the Note Column, and select "increased". The result has filtered the initial list of 151 stocks down to 12 candidates