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Recent Dividend Announcements And Guidance Report

Provides a list of equities with announcements related to Dividends, including published Ex-Dividend dates as well as any announced guidance or upcoming stock split information. Guidance is provided, as available, when a company plans a dividend action such as an increase, decrease or suspension, but hasn’t yet declared an official date for the change. Data is provided for the current date as well as up to 7 past trading days.

Why It's Important

Dividend announcements and guidance are useful indicators of a company’s future intent to pay shareholders of record, and investors often make trading decisions based on upcoming dividend activity, which impacts market sentiment about the stock.

How To Find It

From the main menu go to Dividends > Announcements (or Click Here )

How To Use It

  1. Highlight and click on Date
  2. View Announcements table, or change to view Guidance or Splits

Using Recent Dividend Announcements Report Choosing Date and table

  1. Sort the Table by clicking on column headings
  2. Search for keyword or specific stock symbol
  3. Click on Symbol Link or Fact Icon for more detail on a specific stock

Using Recent Dividend Announcements Report Sorting and Searching